
Hey guys. So sorry for the inactivity on here, the writers block I'm having rn is serious it's been a year since the last update in any of my books❤️


If you wanna read something nice... Masquerade is a good book (I wrote the writer in the reply under this cause I didn't remember)❤️


@heavensportal oops its masks and masquerade


Please go check out part 5 of Little Beth, I explained it shortly what's been going on.I know not a lot of people are going to see this and aren't that supportive to be honest but please, if you see this, go read the last paragraph. Sending many any many kisses.


this message may be offensive
All Melanie ever fucking asked is to not bully her nor the fans. Is that too much already? Please show some respect. She is a human too and puts her everything in all she ever did for you guys. comments on her concert videos like "she sounds like a child" get ignored all the time just so you know.