
hey folks new theme 
          	i am loving it
          	hope u will love it too
          	go and follow the person who designed the theme  @-sliverofmee


Don't be afraid to dream big.  Don't be afraid to take chances.  Don't be afraid to be yourself.  You are unique, special, and wonderful, just the way you are.  Don't be afraid to take a risk, because sometimes the greatest rewards come from taking a chance.  Don't be afraid to fail, because failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.  Don't be afraid to be different, because your differences are what make you special.


          "You’re going to realize it one day — that happiness was never about your job, or your degree, or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about following in the footsteps of all of those who came before you, it was never about being like the others. One day, you’re going to see it — that happiness was always about the discovery, the hope, the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go. Happiness was always about being kinder to yourself, it was always about embracing the person you were becoming. One day, you will understand. That happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself, that happiness was never in the hands of other people. It was always about you. It was always about you
          Breath through it. Things will get lighter. Get out of your mental space & remember the past can no longer affect you. Let go. Find calmness & peace by immersing yourself in the moment. You’re doing all you can. Forgive yourself. You’re getting better every day.
          The most beautiful people we know are those who have known defeat, suffering, & struggle, & have found their way out of the depths. They have an understanding of life that fills them with compassion. 
          To be beautiful means to be yourself.
          You don’t need to be accepted by others.
          You need to accept yourself
          The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Like even when you eat a piece of fruit it was always written for you  eventually reach you, 
          You are beautiful
          You are kind
          You are smart
          You are lovely
          You are gorgeou
          You are amazing
          You are phenomenal
          You are worth it
          You are perfect
          You are strong
          You are cute
          You are sweet
          You are unique
          You are enough
          You are masterpiece
          You are loved
          When you believe in your dreams, when you have strong work ethic, when you are possessed with sheer passion, your enthusiasm becomes infectious, people will line up to work with you, to follow you, to share your passion. Success will follow, happiness will follow.


          Time isn't valued by 
          How much of it you have but how 
          You spend it.  So stop 
          Rushing through life .
          Slow down and 
          Do what will make you 
          A little bit better than 
          Have a great week ahead! 
          Keep me in your special prayers 
          Kind regards! 


          What you go through each day doesn't define your worth .
          Never let a bad day be the excuse 
          To stop trying. 
          Better days are coming &
          Remember you are worthy  and capable. 
          Have a good week ahead! 
          Keep me in your special prayers 
          Kind regards!