
revival once more as of june 2018 and i worship rick and morty and eddsworld still.
          	also my insta is @t0idle.draws.eddsworld
          	i swear it's the last time i change it


ye dm there cuz it's hard talking to you on my (email's) browser xD


@877-CASHNOW of course! i have a poster of gravity falls and i grew up on south park <3


revival once more as of june 2018 and i worship rick and morty and eddsworld still.
          also my insta is @t0idle.draws.eddsworld
          i swear it's the last time i change it


ye dm there cuz it's hard talking to you on my (email's) browser xD


@877-CASHNOW of course! i have a poster of gravity falls and i grew up on south park <3


Hey everyone... well all who actually read this.
          I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I know I have no stories to even work on but still, I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind I notify you this...
          I've been grounded, and I still am, so my account will be inactive for a while.
          Before I was even grounded, though, I became more and more uninterested in fanfictions so I stopped coming here. I am now but I can't go here. This is y only chance.
          So I'm just saying now, don't expect anything from me... probably ever.
          Thanks if you read it (or at least this far). You can unfollow me if you want since it won't be any use to stay.
          But anyway, hope you have a great day/night.


@_R4nd0m_P3rs0n_ lmao thanks man, also why didnt you dm me instead post the comment on a really old note from 2 years ago


I have a feeling you really Gravity Falls. And Gravity Falls Fanfictions and ships. I like those too! I ship Mabel & Dipper plus Bill & Dipper. Gravity Falls is the best show ever!!! @LaurenMarlin agrees with me we both love it! 


@Misaki_Sama_33 I'm so sorry I didn't respond when you posted, but yes, Gravity Falls is my second favourite non-anime show. I ship both of those ships and Bill x Mabel and at one point Soos and Wendy. XD
            Nice to see more fans of a great show. Check out what the creators college goal was. People talk about it and it's really funny. While the people around him said colleges he said "WORLD DOMINATION!!!"


When you say no one cares, it confuses me. You have all these followers who have to care about you. People go through so much pain and darkness. But, there is always that little shine of light


@ticcitobyxme sort of.... you know what, never mind.


do you understand
             what I mean now?


@Marilyn-Manice I loved that speech so much and it was so touching


It's fine, that was good


@Marshmellowhedghog ♪a true true friend helps a friend in need to see the light! That shines from a true true friend~♪
            Sorry, I felt like a doing a MLP song :3


From: NyxTheSoulTaker
           @_lovemebby_ is bullying@CrAZy_iS_BeAuTiFul
          Please help by reporting or talking sense to _lovemebby_. Spread the word!
          And if I get notified about one getting bullied, I will help by sending to my followers! Feel free to ask of me to spread the word! (Spread the word is a smile dog reference BTW)