
Y’all I have been in such a reading slump. I’ve been trying to choke down the last book in Red Queen, and it’s not going well. Have any Wattpad book suggestions that aren’t popular but are really good? (I don’t want popular because if it’s popular I have probably read it) Any genre is fine,,,


@wh4twh0wh3n appreciate it broskie 


@heteroistheflo ned gets stood up by asmorrow is a fun one. or just check my 'queer books that i love' and 'other queer books that i like' reading lists if you want more options, there are some great books that are not popular


Y’all I have been in such a reading slump. I’ve been trying to choke down the last book in Red Queen, and it’s not going well. Have any Wattpad book suggestions that aren’t popular but are really good? (I don’t want popular because if it’s popular I have probably read it) Any genre is fine,,,


@wh4twh0wh3n appreciate it broskie 


@heteroistheflo ned gets stood up by asmorrow is a fun one. or just check my 'queer books that i love' and 'other queer books that i like' reading lists if you want more options, there are some great books that are not popular