
Hello all, hope you're doing good! Just uploaded a new chapter :) And i'm currently working on the next 3, let me know if you want me to upload them at the same time or separately <3


Idk if anyone is going to see this but I'm very sorry I haven't updated my book in a while... I had surgery, school started, i got my first job. And I have  terrible writers block.. I know those shouldn't be excuses but I promise I will try to post at least a little something.. thank you


Wondering if you guys have any advice on how to spread my story to a wider audience or any tips to help my story, lmk?


@Boo_Elephant_Boo Ahh thank you  for that :))


@heyitsdina18 add more tags that concerns the story, some audience would also like to know their position in the story, for instance, add a tag that says #bottomtae #topgguk, vise versa.