
Hi there! If you have spare time, can read my stories? It's not so good because I'm still learning but I hope you like it. The first and second are already completed while the third are still on going and the fourth will start soon. Thank you and God bless! 




          I'm sorry for the shameless plug, I'll delete this if you want (sorry sa kalat)


Hello! Sorry for bothering you. Please kindly read my story entitled My Role. You can tell me what you think about it. Criticism is okay because I want to grow as a writer. I'll really appreciate it if you read, vote and comment what you think about it. Your vote and comments are highly appreciated. Thank you!


          If you're not busy, you can try to read my new story entitled "Always Been A Star".
          It would be my pleasure! Hope you find time to check on my story 
          I am a distant star
          Sometimes the loner sun
          All I want is to have someone
          Someone that will stay beside me
          Someone that will take the risk to be with me
          Someone who will love a broken girl.


Hi! I'm an aspiring writer I want to share my stories! 'A fighters heart' A girl who can make you smile and a boy who can make you special they will fight for each other for there love Just click on my picture and here my username you can search it 'seanySenpai' thankyou very much
          It's still on going tho but please read it I really want readers to cheer me up and please follow me for you too see my updates again thank you verymuch!