
Burn Into Me. I found it


Need help! I know the plot summary of a story but cannot for the life of me remember the title.  The girl is abused by her father, sent to a gift boarding school where she rooms with a demon/fire element. He hates her, but grows to like her.
          Somebody help!!


Cool i was reading your "Not your average rockstar" story and i compleatly love it!! then i saw you had a zacky vengeance fan fiction!! EPIC!!! i love zacky!! i have to go read it now xD but yeah you rock!!! i love your story :)!!


Ok so I wanted to touch base again on 'Not Your AVerage Rockstar'. About two or three years ago, I started making up this alternate life within my head (sounds kind of like multiple personality disorder right?). Well I haven't really talked about it with any kind of professional.  And this story is kinda like me telling you guys what's going on in my mind. But please don't stop reading because of it.  It's turning out to be a great story and I REALLY hope you guys like it! 


Alright guys I've been updating a lot and I thank you SSOO much reading! I know all three of my stories share some things in common, but it's just how my mind works.  I've been in marching band, so that's how those concepts came up, and I live in Louisiana so that's how that comes up, and I have friends and family with diabetes so that's how that's incorporated.  But please don't let stop you from reading! I love you guys and please comment and vote and let me know what you think!