
"I Loved My Best Friend" is now complete. I hope you all enjoyed, and will enjoy how it ended. 


@hippish_geeks hey my phone got lost at Six Flags
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These stories are really good


@hippish_geeks I read the I love with my bestfriend I was good but the year time skips were really confusing
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@allybrunelle hey you should not do the time skip in years maybe weeks
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You got snap


@BracyF ok nothing is happening so we can just talk on here
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@BracyF okay, I'm pretty sure I just messaged you again. If not I'm talking to more random people
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So I'm thinking about starting a story one being Dobre Brothers x reader. Where your a 15 year old, very muscular male in prison when the don't brothers, and Steve all get stuck in the prison. The other one is also Dobre brother x reader where your parents have died 5 years ago, so you live with your friends, because your a only child... That's all I'm going to give about the stories please let me know what your thoughts are on this, if you thinks it's a good idea, or not.