
The fourth chapter of Summer to Remember has finally been posted. Why don't you give it a read: http://www.wattpad.com/14524062-summer-to-remember-o4-%E2%98%80.


          hope you relaxed well!
          for half term, I did the usual.
          sleep, netflix, candy, food.
          the usual


glad to hear for you again celeste, girl! its been a real long time!
            i just started the summer half term and i can already tell between sleeping, eating and internetting, not much else will be gotten done. i think i deserve to be lazy and relax right about now, hehe :)


what have I been up to?
          homework, tumblr, food, sleep, school, candy, netflix
          Ooh, exams, ewww
          how'd you do?


i've been doing well in my exams. so far we've only done two science mocks, one maths mock and we are starting to study romeo and juliet for an english essay. school's getting real busy real quick. i havent even found time to update which is kinda depressing.
            ahh i'll be sooo glad when all of this is over and i can relax!
            what are have you got planned for half term?


          -waves enthusiastically-
          Happy New Year to you too!
          I'm doing good, college is going well. And you?


heyy gurl :))
            thanks haha. its great to hear your doing well in college! and yeah, i'm alright-ish. there's been a lot of exam setting lately and its all been a bit hectic but i'm good, haha. :) what have you been up to lately?


I'll update as much as often as I can over the holiday because, honestly, I've been procrastinating this for all too long. Now that I won't have any exams for a while, I'll get as much done as I can before its back to school and all the headaches and sleep deprived nights that come with it.
          Catch y'all later :) x