
Oh boy… it’s been so long.  TOO long. Last time I posted a Colors chapter, I was in tenth grade. I’m taking my university entrance exams next week!
          	I would love to rewrite a few aspect of older chapters and finish the story during this summer — it would be like finally ending a chapter of my life. I just don’t know if anyone would read it. 
          	Would you guys like me to finish a story that has been probably four or five years in the making? Or should I just let it be? 


          Primero que nada perdón por el spam, mi nombre es Mary y estoy escribiendo una historia que tal vez te interese.
          Dale una oportunidad y tal vez te termine gustando. Aquí te dejo el link por si quieres echarle una ojeada =D
          Una princesa encerrada entre diamantes se encuentra esperando el momento para huir de su condena...
          Hacia el bosque huyó para escapar unos minutos pero allí encontró algo que cambiará su mundo...
          Un amor desenfrenado vive entre restricciones, salvaje y audaz el chico con el que huirá sin temores...


Oh boy… it’s been so long.  TOO long. Last time I posted a Colors chapter, I was in tenth grade. I’m taking my university entrance exams next week!
          I would love to rewrite a few aspect of older chapters and finish the story during this summer — it would be like finally ending a chapter of my life. I just don’t know if anyone would read it. 
          Would you guys like me to finish a story that has been probably four or five years in the making? Or should I just let it be? 


I know I’ve been MIA recently but I’m just trying to enjoy my last bit of summer vacations — after one year and a half of constant studying, I guess I deserve it  I’m starting to write a YA novel and I’ll probably shift my focus to that... however, I just REALLY want to finish Colors. I hope the ending doesn’t turn out sloppy, but even though I haven’t updated in over a year people are still picking it up and reading it. I honestly think that’s insane and I can’t thank you guys enough!


@hogwartsjournal ❤️❤️❤️❤️


i forgot to tell you guys! after one year and a half, two countries, one language... i’m done with sophomore year! i’m finally getting some rest since jan 2019  and THAT is what happens when you move to another country and have to start the school year all over again because of each country’s school calendar!! i’m SO tired lmao


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on another note, i read “red, white and royal blue” this weekend. there were definitely things that bothered me in the book but that doesn’t mean i didn’t love it — i’m in love with alex claremont-diaz and that’s the tea. this book actually gave me a shit ton of inspiration ayeee
          also, i’m working on an original story once again. this one won’t be published here — i’ll actually try to make it into a book, and i can’t wait to see what’s to come! ☺️


the way I spend more time adding to my stories’ playlists then actually writing is uncanny. like i get it, having perfect pitch just makes me somehow feel EVERYTHING through music, but seriously?! i need to finish a chapter not add 5 songs a day into the playlist oh god