
HEY GUYS IM BACK! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated yet I was on vacation for the past two weeks and didn't have much time to write. Today was also my first day of school so I just got a bit busier but I promise I am still writing. Please give me a few days to catch up but I will have a new chapter soon! I hope you guys still follow and want to read this story because I have MUCH more drama planned to write about. Thanks for all of your votes and comments! I'll be back to replying and posting very soon! 


HEY GUYS IM BACK! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated yet I was on vacation for the past two weeks and didn't have much time to write. Today was also my first day of school so I just got a bit busier but I promise I am still writing. Please give me a few days to catch up but I will have a new chapter soon! I hope you guys still follow and want to read this story because I have MUCH more drama planned to write about. Thanks for all of your votes and comments! I'll be back to replying and posting very soon! 


Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to let you guys know that I have been very busy and I haven't had as much time to work on my fanfic so it might take a few extra days for the next chapter to be up, but I promise I will get it up ASAP! Thank you all for your lovely comments on my last chapter, that really makes me feel good about my writing and I'm so glad you guys like it. The next chapter is halfway done, I've just been very busy (and tired haha) but I will it up soon and I promise it will be exciting!


Ok I just posted a chapter I was really nervous about posting so I hope you all like it. I dont wanna give too much away but I just wanna say that if you start reading this chapter and don't wanna finish it you can skip it and still understand the story. However don't knock it till you try it. I hope you all enjoy :) (this will make sense once you actually read the chapter, but don't worry its not triggering)


Hey guys! I wanted to start by saying thank you to everyone who has been reading/voting for/and commenting on my Alex fanfic. I'm so glad you're all enjoying it! I went to preview Chapter 14 on my computer and it looked like it ended earlier than it was supposed to. I think I fixed the problem, but if you read Chapter 14 and didn't get to the part with the hotel you might wanna go back and read the end. Anyway, I should have another update very very soon!


Hey guys,  I just went back and did some editing on my Alex fanfic 'I Love A Challenge' to fix some grammatical errors and the weird spacing problem I had with some of the chapters; but while I was doing that I also noticed that in the first 2 chapters I referred to Blaire as Baily because I changed the name midway through writing the first few chapters and I thought I had changed them all before publishing but I guess I didn't. Hopefully that didn't confuse anyone too much! Thanks for all of your wonderful comments and for all of the reads and votes :)