
Hey everyone! As you might know, wattpad shut down the read 4 read forums, and my dear friend @FeistyBocchan is offering an alternative. She does honest reviews of your work Justin exchange for you to read and critique her (fascinating, might I add) fantasy story, The Wars To Come. If you have some work that you would like to gain traction, this is the way to do it!


Omg I just— you’re so epic man 


Hey everyone! As you might know, wattpad shut down the read 4 read forums, and my dear friend @FeistyBocchan is offering an alternative. She does honest reviews of your work Justin exchange for you to read and critique her (fascinating, might I add) fantasy story, The Wars To Come. If you have some work that you would like to gain traction, this is the way to do it!


Omg I just— you’re so epic man 


          Many lifetimes ago, when the flower of humanity was but a small bud, there was magic. The trees would whisper their age-old secrets into the air, only to be heard and understood by the creatures that lived amongst them. The creatures had a language that only they spoke, and they all worked together to keep the balance of life. Then, there were Others that could shift shapes, sharing their souls with the most powerful and dangerous of beasts, burdened with the task of maintaining said balance.
          When a shocking truth reveals itself during a coming of age moment, Enitan, daughter of Ithakke of the Muuaji Pride is forced to cast herself out of the Lion Clan for the sake of her own survival. Abandoning her family, her people, and the place she once called home, the exiled princess must now face a harsh world that rejects her very being, uncovering a universe that exists beyond her wildest dreams- and nightmares.
          This is the description of my new fantasy story, on which I’ve been working for the past year or so. I really hope those of you who are still active on the app will check it out because it’s my baby. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and as always, feedback is appreciated ;) 


Hey Anika! I see you're an Avril Lavigne fan, can't stop listening to Give You What You Like these days but I also like her older stuff :) Dropped by to say thanks for the vote on Bathroom Acoustics, I hope you enjoy reading it!