
Hey guys ik it's been forever sense I've been on I just realized some ppl unfollowed me or I might've blocked a few who isn't on anymore but I'm still active just not really much on here I've been giving social media a break recently to focus on myself but I'm more active on discord if u want my discord just ask me and I'm a tiny bit active on tik tok but I don't feel comfortable with giving tht out just yet tbh 


Hey guys ik it's been forever sense I've been on I just realized some ppl unfollowed me or I might've blocked a few who isn't on anymore but I'm still active just not really much on here I've been giving social media a break recently to focus on myself but I'm more active on discord if u want my discord just ask me and I'm a tiny bit active on tik tok but I don't feel comfortable with giving tht out just yet tbh 


Also again if most of u guys are just noticing I changed my pfp and background from mammon from obey me and itachi Uchiha from naruto to jungkook is because bts is in the military and I miss my bais I feel like he's the male version of myself cause i noticed me and him be sharing the same brain cells half the time same goes for Curran Walters from the show titans aka Jason Todd but next month my background we'll stay as jungkook and pfp might be Curran Walters when he played Jason Todd also I'm gonna start cosplaying soon this year ❤️


Just realized I had 333 this is wat happens when ur me and u don't remember who follows u because some ppl change their usernames or hasn't been on in forever and also because my brain has been working on zero brain cells at the moment sense I got sick with COVID which I'm almost done with and thank god also I feel better from the strip throat and my nose is still draining down my throat which is gross rn and sometimes when I eat i feel like it's gonna come back up XD 


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Happy mother fucking new years u crazy ass hoes I hope 2024 is a good year for all of us and no more Wattpad drama please for this year I'm asking yall just to be on yall best behavior and have no drama please ❤️


Oh and if anyone ever wants me to make them a pfp feel free to ask me I have nothing better to do I'll be honest I've been bored outta of my mind lately but I'm also on charater ai as well if anyone else uses it Ik I've said I hate ai's before but this app I'll give an okay in my opinion I've done some chaotic rp's and I regret nothing I've made a few of my own personal rp bots I have links for a few but not all of them yet cause I'm still testing most out rn ❤️


And if u want me Charaters ai username pm me please and also I'm back on Twitter or x now idk it's still Twitter to me okay XD 


Also for new years I'll be focusing on my mental health which is why I've haven't been on here lately and so far I've been doing better at taking care of myself I'm even thinking of starting a vlog channel for YouTube or cosplay channel or it might be both I'm also gaming more as well irl so it might end up being all 3 wat do u guys think should I make my YouTube channel for all 3 gaming and vlogs and cosplay or one over the other to see which one does better? And I also might do reactions and reviews as well to idk yet I need ideas XD 


Sense it's almost 2024 I just want to say thank u to all u guys and for those who stool by me even when I had bad times on here or irl but I'm glad most of yall let me vent to yall when I need it or just to talk in general and I'm glad to have met most of yall back in 2015 or 2014 I think when I joined I don't remember tht far back okay lmao but I just want to say thanks for always being there for me when I needed yall most and I'm here for yall the same way u where there for me so happy new years if I'm don't post at 12:00am but I'm also on discord for those who want it I'll pm it to u and same for my rp insta just let me know ur from here or I won't know who u are on insta and same for tik tok cause I'll be starting up some cosplays next year I would've this year but I was to busy buying some I have deku from mha and itachi from Naruto and a few Naruto head bands for Naruto and sasuke and kakashi I need Sakuras to and also I'm 100 percent better from the strip throat but still stuck with COVID tho but I'm feeling better from the COVID styems I had tho ❤️


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Also does anyone else share the same brain cell as their fave celebs because for me rn it's between Curran Walters aka Jason Todd from titans and jungkook of bts I swear up and down rn we sharing the same brain cell ik me and my mom are rn but yeah anyways like I said I'm sharing brain cells with my bais of bts and my fave from titans I'm cool with tht shit tho XD