
Posted some bad poetry (the only kind I know)


Hi Hope just here to say that I really hope (get it get it) you're doing well and having a good time whatever you're doing because you deserve it :-))


@hopefulgoat glad to hear it! Make sure to take care of yourself :-) I know uni can be super stressful
            I'm doing alright! Taking it day by day :)


@x_Quack_x Hey, sorry, I didn't see that. I'm okay-ish... I've got a lot on my plate, but I've met some really cool people at uni, so that's nice. How are you doing, though? Are you having a nice time?


I don't know if I'll actually do anything, but if I were to use Wattpad for a side WIP once I'm no longer studying for my entrance exam, what would you guys want?
          a) Lucidity rewrite but better
          b) full War of Men rewrite so that I can actually get to the end of it this time because I miss it but War of the Heart is so bad
          c) War of the Heart rewrite because if I start with War of Men I might not get that far so there's a higher chance of me finishing the trilogy
          d) Us continuation
          e) new applyfic
          f) new other book
          I don't know how well any of this will go because I've got about one month between my entrance exam and starting to study and I have no clue what I'll be studying next year nor how much time it'll take up, especially since I'm planning on learning Austrian sign language at the side and babysitting.


@ArtemisGreekGeek The issue is, I have two classes scheduled at the same time (which is weird because it's literally what they recommend everybody does in their first term), but at least one is online, and every week I have one class starting at like six pm.


Live laugh love psych


What I forgot to say is that means I'll hopefully have more time to write again. Like sure, I want to babysit a bit, but still


I miss the applyfic days, but I have the commitment of a goldfish.


@hopefulgoat applyfics were the dayssssss


@ArtemisGreekGeek Maybe I'll start again once I'm living in my flat in Vienna


@hopefulgoat *scared allard voice*: “FISH?????”


Sorry for how behind I am on the applyfic (e.g., not replying to comments, barely writing, not creating the Pinterest board). This last week's been wild. Aside from usual work stress and kusic school, I was also sent home from work on Thursday because I had a temperature somewhere between 38.5°C and 39°C. I've no longer got a temperature (and hence went to work yesterday), but I'm still exhausted. On top of that, my cat isn't doing great, and on two occasions this week, we've been extremely scared that he'd have to be put down. Fortunately, he's doing a bit better this morning and he's still fighting, but amidst all this chaos, I've only written 400 words. I'll try to do more today, but between being ill and wanting to help my mum with Christmas preparation, I may not get round to it... So the applyfic might still take a while


            Losing any family, big or small or furry is always hard- It’s good to hear that he was surrounded in a comforting situation. I’m sorry you’re in such a stressful situation right now! Please please please take as much time as you deserve (which you deserve ALL OF IT) and enjoy your Christmas :-)


@hopefulgoat Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what I can say to make you feel even a little better, or if there even is anything that can be said, but atleast he isn't suffering anymore. Still, it's awful that he went through it at all. 


@heartofhugs He died half an hour ago. The vet wasn't there and didn't answer the phone, so we couldn't get him put down. At least he died surrounded by people he loved, but he suffered so much. I never want to see something like that again