
I'm alive!
          	I've just been super busy in my personal life and hadn't had time to write.
          	But I just wanted to hop on here and say a couple of things;
          	I'll probably won't be uploading for a while, probably until Summer of Next year.
          	And thank you so much for 1.4k  reads on my britpop fic! I'm super glad, and I just wanted to thank people who read it and added to their lists, favorited, etc.
          	Thank you all for everything.
          	Until someday! ❤️


@ H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED thank you so much!! I appreciate it a lot ❤️


@H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED I’m glad you’re alive and doing okay. And take your time we all have busy lives. :)


I'm alive!
          I've just been super busy in my personal life and hadn't had time to write.
          But I just wanted to hop on here and say a couple of things;
          I'll probably won't be uploading for a while, probably until Summer of Next year.
          And thank you so much for 1.4k  reads on my britpop fic! I'm super glad, and I just wanted to thank people who read it and added to their lists, favorited, etc.
          Thank you all for everything.
          Until someday! ❤️


@ H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED thank you so much!! I appreciate it a lot ❤️


@H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED I’m glad you’re alive and doing okay. And take your time we all have busy lives. :)


          Been feeling lonely and sad,if you want, comment something and we'll chat! How was your day, things that make you smile, stuff like that.
          I'll talk about anything, just feeling bad right now. 


@ Charlotte_da_weirdo  that's really sweet. Thanks for caring! I'm glad you had as good day :)


@H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED I’ll really sorry you’re feeling not so good. 
            My day was fine. I got to help out at the day care in my neighborhood and got to see the 5 small children play tag. It really made my day. 
            Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.


I just want to say thank you to whoever read my britpop stories. I've improved a lot since then (not publicly), and I'm aware it's very good. But, it was a first, and I'm happy I reached 1k in that book! I'm beyond happy, actually.
          So, I just wanted to thank you very much!
          P.S: Currently writing some more books, something coming soon! 
          Anddd I started writing the spideypool book :p


Okay so,
          I've been through a rough time recently so I haven't started writing/continued writing anything.
          Hopefully I start today! :)


@Charlotte_da_weirdo Thank you so much for the support! And I will :)


@H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED I hope you’re feeling better. Take as much time as you need. 


          I need help to write a story! 
          So basically, I want to know what your favorite ships to write would be? I want to write Stucky or spideypool but I'm taking suggestions!
          And what kind of plots would you like to see??


@H0PELESSLY_DEV0TED I like both but Im feeling more spidepool right now. But if you want to do Stony thats fine as well


@sebs_thighs yess!! I understand that those might get boring, plus i have many drafts of stories like those so I'm burned out from writing those!! Thank u for your input! :)


          Marvel was really a bitch, huh?
          They were like "Okay here's bi loki but yall never gonna get any marvel LGBT+ representation lol" like wtf?
          They had a chance to have loki actually have an LGBT relationship and marvel to have a bit of LGBT+ relationship but nAhhH
          Like I'm so pissed rn
          He fell in love with himself????
          Maybe I'm just pissed cause I was a BIG Lokius Stan lmao
          ANDD because Marvel missed an opportunity that they don't get very often....
          So yeah let me know your thoughts, rant about it lol