
Updates on Finding Permanence:
          	It will have a total of 50 chapters!
          	44 of those chapters have already been written and I am hoping to finish the rest of them by mid February.


Hey, I am sorry for posting this here, but I think this story has real potential if you would like to check it out.
          The Talks We Have is a book in a series. It describes a blossoming friendship between an unexpected pair of university students. When this friendship is put under the lens of social media is up to them to decide what is going to happen next. Will they post their story or leave it in the drafts?


I just wanted to announce that full heartedly IN LOVE with Finding Permanence <33  I have committed my soul and body to this book since the beginning it came out and same goes for Permanently Etched. I LOVE EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER AND WISH I COULD LIVE IN YOUR BOOKS. Thank you for giving me something to look forward too and cannot wait until the next chapter 




A little rant dedicated to you. I read your book “Permanently Etched”… twice because it’s  literally so good. When I tell you I wish I could turn back time just to read it again for the first time…I would be dead serious. I didn’t realize you had the second book on here until today and so, of course I had to freaking read it! I just finished all the chapters so far in the second book in one sitting and omg what in the world do you put in your books. They’re literally so addicting like every chapter got me wanting more! Thank you so much for writing these books, they’re amazing. I will forever enjoy your work, you’re seriously a great author!


I should be thanking you, I'm so
            glad that I found you and your
            work. You’re honestly such a
            talented writer. When those times
            come when you feel like a shitty
            author, please keep in mind that
            your many supporters (including
            me) certainly think not :)


@ilovefictionalmen987 There are times when I feel like such a shitty author and contemplate why I write in the first place, and there's times when I get the sweetest messages like this. Your kind words keep me writing mine so thank you for this, it made my day <3