
Hey guys! Sorry for the hiatus for a long time. I just graduated high school! I'll try to be more active when it comes to writing one shots and the skydoesgoldsorcererlox book as well. 
          	But for now, I made a new one shot! I posted it a couple days ago but I wasn't sure if anyone saw it get posted so I'm announcing it. I definitely enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys enjoy it too! 
          	The book is called "The Awkward Phone Call". It's a short one shot about Setosorcerer and deadlox. I'm thinking about making one shots into their own personal stories when I get ideas instead of putting them in an entire book together. Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what you guys want more in the future. I really like updating the stories for you guys. 
          	So go check out my new one shot and tell me what you think!
          	Until next time, hope out! 


Hey guys! Sorry for the hiatus for a long time. I just graduated high school! I'll try to be more active when it comes to writing one shots and the skydoesgoldsorcererlox book as well. 
          But for now, I made a new one shot! I posted it a couple days ago but I wasn't sure if anyone saw it get posted so I'm announcing it. I definitely enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys enjoy it too! 
          The book is called "The Awkward Phone Call". It's a short one shot about Setosorcerer and deadlox. I'm thinking about making one shots into their own personal stories when I get ideas instead of putting them in an entire book together. Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what you guys want more in the future. I really like updating the stories for you guys. 
          So go check out my new one shot and tell me what you think!
          Until next time, hope out! 


How do I update my app? I wanna see what everyone is complaining about 


@hopelovesmc Do NOT update the app!  You'll regret it so much! 


((Boo. So I do have an idea for a Classicsorcerer/setopsy idea. I kinda see Isaac getting sick and Seto is like,  overprotective sorcerer xD))


@Ask_SkySolace oooooh that's sounds great. I'll see what I can do. Thanks


hi i popped out of no where, i wanna say i heccin loved you ClassicSorcerer/SetoPsy writing like oml qvq


@hopelovesmc Yay. I'll tell you if I get an idea. Unsure when though.


@xXWindOwlXx It was really nothing hehe but if you have an idea for another one shot about them id love to hear it! Im glad you liked it. Theres definately more to come!


Thank you for the follow! :-)


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Hello my Sorcerers and sorceress' in training. Sorry, so sorry I havent updated in a long time! Ive been dealing with going into high school and shit and a bunch of other stuff. But I promise i will update


@PhoebeCheak yes I can help you. If you would message me with the problems you're having with your stories and things that would help me help you. Ill try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks. Btw now isnt a good time as I am busy getting my summer together. 