
Assalamu alaikum! 
          	I keep saying I’m back and then disappearing again but… I’m back! Hopefully for good this time; my baby (yes, baby!) has been keeping me up nights so I’m getting back into reading to pass the time. 
          	So: taking reading requests! 
          	Leave your own work or your favorite suggestions below! 


Congratulations! Masha’Allah Allahumma barrek!♥️ 


@how-about-no wa'alaikumsalam, so nice to see you on here. Congrats on the baby! How time flies :")


Assalamu alaikum! 
          I keep saying I’m back and then disappearing again but… I’m back! Hopefully for good this time; my baby (yes, baby!) has been keeping me up nights so I’m getting back into reading to pass the time. 
          So: taking reading requests! 
          Leave your own work or your favorite suggestions below! 


Congratulations! Masha’Allah Allahumma barrek!♥️ 


@how-about-no wa'alaikumsalam, so nice to see you on here. Congrats on the baby! How time flies :")


‎ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبر كاتة 
          Hope you are doing well! I must be your biggest fan considering how many times I’ve reread ‘Boys? Ew’! جزاك الله خير for writing my comfort read! I was saddened to see that the chapters were removed. Hopefully not for too long, really needed some almas and qasim in my life❤️ 


Assalamu Alaykum! How are you doing? I totally loved reading The book that Kills. Such an amazing read after long. Totally had me hooked, I had to binge read it. And I finished the books just before sleeping. It was on my mind so I dreamt of someone trying to break in my apartment and kill me ..yeah thats how wrapped you had me! You're a brilliant author.