
Hi, I really miss your story. Will you update soon?


Hi! I will try to update soon. I’m trying to take some constructive criticism from the last few chapters and make some changes to the up coming chapters. It has not been easy to re-write and has changed the trajectory of the story quite a bit making it difficult to put out the next chapter. 


Hey sorry to bother but I absolutely am in love with your book ❤❤ I read it and everyday I check for updates (not to presure lol) Anyways your an author who deserves to know that your work is amazing ❤ Hope your staying safe lots of love ❤


@howaboutwepretend I totally understand what a writer block is and they are honestly the worst. Especially when you have no motivation. But I just read your update and it was amazing thank you ❤❤


Hey! You are no bother at all, I’m glad you like my story! I’m just kinda stuck on where I want it to go now. To say I re-wrote it 20 times would be an understatement, I am still writing and hope to update soon I’m just stuck. 