
there’s so much misogyny in these bl books it’s disgusting. just because you may not be attracted to girls and woman does not mean you have to act like an ass towards them


@howdoyouspellgorgus EXACTLY!! i hate that some books contain these types of characters 


Sup, Ace, I'm demi- not Demi Lovato- ✨Demisexual✨-
           AHHH it's bad- kill me. I felt the pressure to say something since you started following me
          Ignore that, did you follow me from a story? If so, which one?


OMG why am I just seeing this?
            Pretend I'm not late and I replied to
            this an hour after you sent it……
            but as you was saying idek what book I
            found you from because your reading
            list contains almost all of thé stories I
            have in my library once I saw you had
            the most amazing taste, such as
            myself, I just immediately had to
            follow bcuz you have to be pretty
            great to have similar taste such as
            So here we are, me following
            you and replying to you…an hour later ofc


I just told my mom how I wanted an nose ring and she said I would look gay, like duh that’s the point-


@howdoyouspellgorgus I-
            I love tattoos
            My 'friend' said I shouldn't get them tho because 'boys don't like tattoos on women' and I'm just like: women like tattoos on women' tho. ✨I want a women✨