
Chapter 3 of"Love is Patient" is finally published!! College sucks but I'm happy to get back into writing!! 


Well well well guess who finally crawled up out of her coffin and is now working on another story? If you said me, you'd be correct! I apologize for not being active, but I just haven't had the inspiration for anything. But chapter 1 of my Garry and Ib fanfic is ready to go, and I'll be working really hard on it! Have a nice day you lovely people! ✨✨✨


*sticks head out of the dirt in front of my tombstone* Wow what a nice rest! Yes tis me I'm back from the grave. And remember what I said last time about writing a Zelda fanfic? Well I've had inspiration for something else for a few months so Ima do that idea instead! Sorry to disappoint y'all.