
Can someone tell me what this story was on here. It's about a gorl and she can like turn into a dragon or something. And there is this hot blond guy and he's like some Griffin or Bird. And her kind is like super rare since they all were killed in a war a long time ago. Then this really powerful wealthy evil guy who's office is at the top of a building wants to mate with her to repopulate. At his office everyone is like a creature too like all of the staff. If I confuse you or this makes no sense I'm sorry but I can't find the book and I want to reread it. 


Can someone tell me what this story was on here. It's about a gorl and she can like turn into a dragon or something. And there is this hot blond guy and he's like some Griffin or Bird. And her kind is like super rare since they all were killed in a war a long time ago. Then this really powerful wealthy evil guy who's office is at the top of a building wants to mate with her to repopulate. At his office everyone is like a creature too like all of the staff. If I confuse you or this makes no sense I'm sorry but I can't find the book and I want to reread it.