
Hi guys! I know I haven’t been active but after being in a really bad place for a long time I’m finally starting to get back on track! I have decided that I’m going to delete my wattpad account! Thank you for all the friends I’ve made and all the things I’ve learned, as well as all the support on the books I never finished lol! If any of you want to message me or have a way to contact me I’ll be leaving this account up for a week before deleting it so message me before the week is up! I love you all so much


Hey Morgen, I'm a new writer and really looking to get my book to your amazing DC Community,  I have written a dramatic FF regarding one of the forgotten gems in the DC Batman Rogue Gallery and I think not only you, but your DC community will love it.. I have written it for you guys   x. V


Hi guys! I know I haven’t been active but after being in a really bad place for a long time I’m finally starting to get back on track! I have decided that I’m going to delete my wattpad account! Thank you for all the friends I’ve made and all the things I’ve learned, as well as all the support on the books I never finished lol! If any of you want to message me or have a way to contact me I’ll be leaving this account up for a week before deleting it so message me before the week is up! I love you all so much


I haven’t been on her much in like two years and I haven’t been talking to many people but I’m going to start being more active again so feel free to message me if you’re in need to someone to talk to or just wanting to chat :)


@hypnotisms Welcome back sister!!! 