
    &&.          list all your active accounts below,  moots.   i want to spam drop      horror, supernatural & angst   things.       <3 


*     respond  to  my  starter  first,  dimwit 


          	  im mostly active on here tbh


/ Only thing I check everyday lol :)


the vampire had moments where he felt like he had lived for too long.   a cigarette loosely between his lips walking in the night brooding rather then searching for his next meal.    a meal that could be human, a bag of blood, or a stray animal if spike was really feeling like torturing himself.      it made the immortal scoff to himself, toxic smoke curling around him as he walked out of the cemetery.   pointer and thumb taking the cigarette and holding it for a moment, slow walks towards wherever his feet started to take him.  
          the leather duster he wore slightly shifted within the wind.  his facial expression less then happy.   perhaps it was the hunger after all?  the need to coax it away like the tides would.  the frown was permitted, head cocked with his brow raised to someone else walking the streets.  either another one of his kind or an unlucky soul.  
          “  sort of late for a walk, isn’t it?  “ a british accent curled from his voice.   it was almost soft het it was rough around it’s edges.     
          ;;  i’m sorry this sucks  </3 


    &&.          list all your active accounts below,  moots.   i want to spam drop      horror, supernatural & angst   things.       <3 


*     respond  to  my  starter  first,  dimwit 


            im mostly active on here tbh


/ Only thing I check everyday lol :)


      &&.       so,  it seems;     links from pinterest are marked as spam and that alone is the reason why my darn           bio was invisible.   we cannot add links from that domain either,      );


      &&.               will drop / reply to things in the morning,     super tired tonight.


        &&.       cleaning up my board of dead threads now. 


&&.        phew,    phew.             what a darn hassle.     responses will be out soon. 


“Crap.” Frida whispered as she entered the dark, quiet mansion in the middle of the night, closing the door behind her. She limped through her way to the bathroom, hissing from time to time as she was holding the left side of her rib cage. The redhead tried to be quiet, to not wake Rurik up. The last thing she needed was him to see her in this state. The woman entered the huge bathroom and for a moment she stopped to check her appearance. Her red locks were matted, her lower lip swollen with dried blood on it and her right cheek bruised, but the real damage was on her body. A deep cut on her right arm, a bruised rib cage and many other small cuts and bruises covering her small frame. “I look like the monster under the bed.” she mumbled to herself, searching for the first aid kit that was kept in the bathroom.