
About to release a very important chapter for My Bodyguard! There will be a couple more after this one and then the end (the last chapter is 31)! 
          	Thank you everyone for the support on this story and my other stories! 


About to release a very important chapter for My Bodyguard! There will be a couple more after this one and then the end (the last chapter is 31)! 
          Thank you everyone for the support on this story and my other stories! 


I just published the first chapter of My Bodyguard! Please give it a read it would mean so much to me! Thank you!


@SashaJackson123 Awe thank you so much!! ♥️ Makes me so happy! 


@iEmi55 it was sooooo good omg i cant wait for more xx


Hey! I know it’s been awhile but I’ve been working super hard on my book and I’m excited to say I am finishing the editing process. It is called “My Bodyguard” and it is another Ksimon (it has a similar feel to my last Ksimon book). 
          I will be posting a new chapter every few days, maybe every other day we’ll see how it goes. The story will be out very soon
          I hope you like it! <3 


Getting excited! Almost completed writing my next book, along with about half the editing is completed! I would predict it will be out round February? My exams are in January so it makes it difficult :(. Cannot wait! <3


I’m about 50 pages into the new story! I’ve been working really hard on it, and I bet it will come out in a month? I’m waiting awhile so I can adjust things and make sure it’s the best it can be, while keeping a outflow of chapters. Thanks for the patiences!!! <3


Awe yay! 


@iEmi55 noice I'm down to read it


So guess who finally has a solid story idea and is writing! I'm only on the first chapter, but I'm confident that this could be an improvement from my last! I know I've said my next would be a Ksimon story, but honestly the two ideas I came up with weren't really working. The one I am working on now is a miniminter x reader. I am super excited because I feel like I have improved so much from my last one. I want to make a lot of chapters before I release so once I do I can be consistent! But it's coming soon. Just wanted to give a little headups. If all goes to plan it'll be about Simon hooking up with Y/N, who turns out to be his secret fangirl. ;)


@Kaykay1830 Awww thank you a ton!!!


@MiniParadox00 I’m so glad. I can’t wait for you to see it! Just finished the first chapter! 


@iEmi55 oooooooh I'm excited! I cant wait


Just wanted to say sorry for not updating in awhile! I’ve tried writing two different Ksimon fan fictions and it’s just not working with me. My ideas are there, I just cannot get them to come out the way I want them to be portrayed. I keep re-writing the first chapter so many times! Hopefully I’ll update soon, but I want it to be something I’m proud of! 


@Vapnadomr Thank you a ton!!! Aww that’s so kind, I’ll try my best! :)


@Kaykay1830 Awe thank you so much!!! :) That feels so good to hear! 


@iEmi55 Take however long you need. Don't need to rush perfection. :)