
My most read book by far is the one of historical photography. 
          	For those who enjoy it, I'd like you to know that there is a documentary filmmaker on YouTube called David Hoffman whose work may interest you. He even uploaded his documentary that inspired Top Gun!
          	 Aside from his videos, he uploads photos from his collection daily. Every day I check to see what he has in the Community posts because they are often thought-provoking or heartwarming.
          	His following is modest in size, and he is very appreciative and interactive with us (his regulars) - but he wants to make a living doing this. Check him out, I think you'd enjoy what he shares, and I think he is SO deserving of support.


My most read book by far is the one of historical photography. 
          For those who enjoy it, I'd like you to know that there is a documentary filmmaker on YouTube called David Hoffman whose work may interest you. He even uploaded his documentary that inspired Top Gun!
           Aside from his videos, he uploads photos from his collection daily. Every day I check to see what he has in the Community posts because they are often thought-provoking or heartwarming.
          His following is modest in size, and he is very appreciative and interactive with us (his regulars) - but he wants to make a living doing this. Check him out, I think you'd enjoy what he shares, and I think he is SO deserving of support.


Hi and thanks for choosing to follow my page, I hope you find it worth your while


            Thank you for that. My stories and poems are all over the block so please don't be afraid to browse


@lyttlejoe  you're welcome. I read the Christmas stories you submitted to the December Challenge and I think I will!


You know, 
          Well, I wrote in the description on my poem Summer on Campus that [the girl's] eyes "have stayed close at hand in my photographic memory", but the thing is, ever since I wrote the poem, it sort of left me.  It's like the poem captured her and keeps her.
          If I had been writing about a bad experience then it'd be a relief, but really, I wish she hadn't left. 
          I drew a (an inadequate) drawing of her from memory before I wrote the poem, that isn't exactly to my satisfaction, but I look at it sometimes to try and refresh my memory.
          The thing is, my baby sister scribbled all over it, but I still keep it 
          In a way, it's like Daisy's eyes from the Great Gatsby for me.


To Nobody: The stand-alone poem I had previously called "to Anonymous" is now titled "Borderline Friends : Summer on Campus"  due to me needing time to come up with a name I was happy with. It has a duel title...because I wouldn't chose one or the other. Same poem, just edited.


            For a while, yeah. I didn't have inspiration or time. I'm drafting a few things now, though.


@iREDthatBook it's okay and thnx for replying. left wattpad? 


            Sorry for the very late reply, but I'm very thankful for your support!


I just saw your academic reading list and I respect you so much XD


@cafune01  Well, that makes me feel better about myself, at least. :)


@iREDthatBook  Doesn't matter dude, at least you used Wattpad for "meaningful" purposes XD


@cafune01 Thanks... (I'm wondering if i should tell you that that's from YEARS ago.X3)


"You talk books away, why don't you write one?"
          "I am too fond of reading books to care to write them, Mr.Erskine." 
          "I fear you are right. I myself used to have literary ambitions, but I gave them up long ago."
          -the Picture of Dorian Gray