
Fun fact, I just show up online and I realized that my book actually have rankings. Yup, I definitely have been living under a rock....xD


Okay im not saying this to be a bitch but i started reading your book and stopped because u rush things way to fast you give to much information in one chapter. I understand because I did the exact same thing when I started writing I would like i speed up the plot or tell the readers damn near everything. You could try getting ur readers hooked on the first page, jus saying I though you should know good luck. 


Yes, sorry about that, I just reinstalled the app now and re read my book. I was 16 at that time and I was more of an amateur back then mostly because of the hype of the genre of werewolf books. I’m hoping now that I’m back to change things up a bit 


can u update the she of tomarrow please? i really loo ike it even with on only one chap its a great story so far


@moniquewashere3  i am so sorry for keeping you waiting for the update but i will update soon. I already feel so bad for leaving you guys hanging waiting for the updates but as soon as I get my personal problems fixed then i will continue updating


@moniquewashere3  yeah it's cool.  She also wants to update it. Just a matter of time and then she will.


@AlexKleis thats ok i was just curious I'm sorry if it sounded like i was asking for it like the next day or something. i just wanted to know if it was going to be updated at some point or left as it is forever. make sure she knows that she doesn't have to update soon she can update whenever she wants to