name: rainbow
age: 1
birthday: the day i was born
instagram: rainbowlovesdonuts

ships: shrek x bread, pico x bf, bf x gf, mommy mearest x daddy dearest, XDnotfound, samponk, karlnapity, platonic tubbo x ranboo, phil x kristen, and one more that i will not say 🤠 (you can probably find out what it is by looking at the people i follow LMAOOO)
apologist for: tubbo, tommy, quackity, techno, philza, and purpled
stan for: bf, pico, gf, skid, pump, mommy mearest, quackity, tubbo, ranboo, tommy, techno, wilbur soot, and philza minecraft
fandoms: MCYT and fnf (i only read MCYT fics tho)

  • /shrug
  • JoinedMarch 25, 2020
