
Chapter 24 is up for those that care! For those that want to read it, it's never too late to catch up! (though I cringe at my own writing from pre-chapter23 era, but whatever)


After more than a year, chapter 23 of the game is out! I just came back for some reason, and I was really motivated to update it, thanks for those who stuck around so far, if you want to get back in to it, here's your chance! I am back! And I will finish this story! I promise! (So that I can go back and edit it and fix it and improve it, and you know, everything) So yeah! Read if you want! I'd suggest you do, because stuff happened! (you might want to remind yourself of what happened last couple of chapters though)


OMG where have you been???


@avrillan One of the main reasons I left in the first place really. - How is your boy? :)


@iamfromwinterfell I'm fine. just been busy in graphics to get ppl comment on my stories because there's no more SYS club. Other than that, busy taking care of my lil boy. haha


Places and times I don't know, doing things I can't even explain. Completely forgetting the existence of this site and my old stories, beginning new ones and /sometimes/ actually returning old ones just to begin to rewrite them. Hopefully one day I will. How about you?