Hello, everyone! Hope you're all well ^^
I don't know if this is important to you, but the 5th of September will be the 10th anniversary of my Wattpad account! I started publishing my first fan fiction, Love At First Sight about a month after, then Love Is My Drug in 2015, Back To You in 2019, Repair and One Shots in 2021, and Always With Me in 2022.
Writing is probably one of my abilities and Wattpad has been the best platform for me to do so. Looking at the amount of viewers, votes and comments I've received has become a great achievement for me and I can't thank you enough for that. Back To You is probably the most liked fan fics of mine. As I'm writing this, it has almost reached 400k viewers and more than 8k votes which blows my mind!
Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, I've planned to publish on 3 fan fics to celebrate it. Today, I'm gonna publish on One Shots, tomorrow on Always With Me, and the day after tomorrow on... Repair! Yeah, Repair has been on hold for more than 2 years but now I'm planning to continue slowly but surely. Last but not least, I'd like to thank each one of you, whether you're my follower or not, for reading all my fan fics in the last 10 years♡