
"Pretty butterflies flew across me,
          	Swatting their nature printed wings. 
          	I followed them to see
          	A world of wild flowers with bees that sing.
          	It was a world for those who flee,
          	Tired of being a clown in a circus ring 
          	Called reality. "
          	Came with this while being zoned out of my studies. I'm no poet but just rhymed it.  How is it ?


@idio2stupid Beautiful imaginary! 


"Pretty butterflies flew across me,
          Swatting their nature printed wings. 
          I followed them to see
          A world of wild flowers with bees that sing.
          It was a world for those who flee,
          Tired of being a clown in a circus ring 
          Called reality. "
          Came with this while being zoned out of my studies. I'm no poet but just rhymed it.  How is it ?


@idio2stupid Beautiful imaginary! 


Thanks for checking out The Lackawanna Prophecy! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter ♥️


@Benhauthor I've only read half of it but do far it's intriguing. And I  like the way you pen it down. And yeah I'm sure enjoying it. 


Hello! I absolutely love ur theme! Beautiful PFP!
          How are you? I hope you're doing great! And if time permits, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my book. Comments and votes are always welcomed. But it's okay if you don't too;) don't feel pressured.
          My book is a teenage romance of self discovery, slow burn, and has a powerful female lead! ✨ I hope you enjoy! Thanks