
I realised about a month ago I'm a dinosaur on here now. This platform as a teen was my life, writing was, and as I've grown and made mistakes, I lost my spark, myself and everything in-between. Sometimes it's difficult to find your own ground, I'm still trying. But I'm glad I was here for so many years, it holds a place in my heart truly! I hope you are all well ♡


I feel the same way!! You articulated how I feel into words. I hope you’re good as well :)


I realised about a month ago I'm a dinosaur on here now. This platform as a teen was my life, writing was, and as I've grown and made mistakes, I lost my spark, myself and everything in-between. Sometimes it's difficult to find your own ground, I'm still trying. But I'm glad I was here for so many years, it holds a place in my heart truly! I hope you are all well ♡


I feel the same way!! You articulated how I feel into words. I hope you’re good as well :)


hi I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I just wanna tell you that you’re an amazing person and that you deserve nothing but the absolute best <3 truly hope everything is well with you


@godscars hey! It's so nice to hear from you, bizzarly enough this came through at such a great time thankyou so much. How have you been, I hope well, wishing you all the best ♡


self discovery is a slow process is what ive learnt these past few months since being here. im trying to love myself, but sometimes it's difficult. i hope you're all well, how have things been? itd be nice to chat if anyones still around...


Ngl really tempted to try my hand at a Draco fic


bro I’m late but I’d be the first to read 


@RubyPriors omg would you read it?


ive stayed off here for the last few days, unable to find the right words for the state of our world. The sheer level of inequality and passive attitude towards injustice shocks me. I am a white woman, I will never be able to understand the struggle that many black men, women and children face daily, but I do stand with the fight. Things need to change. Desperately. How can we be in the 21st century and still think it is acceptable for someone's life to be valued above another just because of their skin? We are a technologically advanced species and yet we cant even treat each other equally, regardless of someones race, background, economic state etc, it is shocking. @BakugousWife2004 said it perfectly in her post I read recently, I couldn't agree more. James Corden and Reggie were moving with their words, and if the state of the world and its injustice right now doesn't make you see things arent right, they arent working, then you are complicit to the problems the protests are working against! George Floyd represents only part of the wider problem, his name has inspired change across the world - may he rest in peace and justice be served as we stand together! Black lives matter, and must be treated equally in the eyes of all government, law and whomever else places a prejudice upon them for the colour of their skin, we are all human. How can the world unite against pandemics, against wars, against anything else, when we treat each other so poorly, so differently only because of a man's skin? It is important that we join the fight, we donate, we spread awareness and the powers that be acknowledge the injustice across the world. As powerfully stated by James Corden: "how can the black community dismantle a problem they did not create?" Speak up. Educate. Be part of the change.


I just spent 3 hours watching old Dean Ambrose promos/matches and got pulled into an AEW Jon Moxley sinkhole and I'm not mad at all, forgot how talented he is if I'm honest! My interest from about 5 years ago is slowly becoming reignited, and I'm not sorry!
          MOX RULES!!