
Ok so it’s late and I don’t know who’s reading this or awake and sooo. Me and my fam are piled in the car and heading to my aunt’s house because her house is making weird sounds. My brother is dressed in a helmet and a stick ready for the kill. I’m dressed in black and also have a stick. We loaded the ladder and me being blasted the Ghostbusters theme song. I got my family laughing and our plan is to blast the song and again as we slow walk to her house! Wish us luck! 


So I just finished watching My Hero Academia Heroes Rising... IT WAS AMAZING! It was filled of laughter, suspense, and tears! 
          *spoilers up ahead*
          From Bakugo receiving One for All to the children involved. At first when I saw Endeavor I didn’t want him in this movie but when I saw him hugging Shoto, I’ve finally grown to appreciate him.  I cried when I saw Bakugo and Midoriya getting hurt in battle. But for reals if you get the chance to watch go! I give it a 11/10!!


@Hdjrbfjdbrvrvjfbf It is canon! With the Endeavor Arch too. But Hawks too! I was very excited to see him too. But like what did u think of Shigiraki?