
There’s many ways you could’ve gotten this job , reading someone well is just a good qualification . Nothings got me down , Im just conflicted . Feelings are a hard thing to deal with , that’s why I choose to ignore them and drown them , but it seems that my enemies can float . 


Mbv thank u 


* he gave a hard exahled from his nose , an indication that he was amused * of course , If I didn't like getting blood on myself , would there even be a reason to being here ? * he joked lightly , eyes dancing over the papers once more before flipping it closed * alright , I will do what I need with the information you have given me and I'll meet you at eleven , and would we start here or meet directly at the chosen location ? 


Alright , fair enough . . * he took the file from her , opening it up to see what his task is . He chuckled lightly * I was never bothered with getting my hands dirty , besides , means this assignment is going to be fun . When does the mission start ? 


What is it that you need me to do ? 