
Does anyone remember me this days? Wish I could delete this account and move on. I don't beg for attention but it's like when you're out with your friends and they forget you exist. I thought we all were friends? Or maybe it's just me..


RANT: Please can someone tell me how to connect with your followers by getting them to respond to your notifs, it feels like I have zero followers at the moment and it's sad. The same thing is happening on my other account and I can't help but feel like it's all me. Am I doing something wrong? Call me desperate but I'm actually friendly is just you can't say you're friendly when there ain't friends. 


So I have dis book I'm writing though it's not yet out. The family background and lifestyle really reminds me of loud house, I'm writing in third person which is a challenge cos I've never done it before and I hope it doesn't chase my future readers away. I just want the book to be different from the others though it's actually got a good story behind it. 


“Just disconnect. Once in a day sometime, sit silently and from all connections disconnect yourself.” — Yoda
          Hey? It's me Sei. Feeling tired? Hopeless? or even empty? It sucks to feel such, right? I know you are drained and it's dragging you down. You can pause for a while and disconnect from this busy world. Take a rest. Resting or stopping to take a break doesn't mean you're quitting. Recharge yourself again coz just like machines, we need to get some rest. Go ahead and sleep, be silly, read, eat, sing, play, or just take a walk. You deserve it, okay? You did your best and I'm proud of you. I'm proud of your accomplishments. Smile! Fighting! God is here for you to lean on.
          — Sei ☕︎ (•̀ᴗ•́)و


Really need more friends *deep sigh *


@RitaCanWriteToo great!
            We can be crackheads together!!!


@RitaCanWriteToo Well, i can be weird so at least that makes two of us, thanks btw, really needed it :) How's ur day going?