
To all of the authors out there, there is a website called teenfic.net that is mirroring and stealing your work.  Word for word, view for view.


To my dear readers, there seems to be a slight problem with uploading and editing the new chapter. It may be because I'm low on storage or because of my device itself. So, therefore it might take longer then expected to read the new chapter
          Note: DW, I'm alive 


Hey doll. It's been a year or something. Did something bad happened? If so, I hope everything will get better.❤️


@sugarplumbabes alright I hope everything is better now and I'll be waiting for the update ❤️


@sugarplumbabes Hey, sorry for the late reply! A lot has happened this past year. But, I can assure you that I will be returning with another yet long chapter soon!


I am sorry to tell you all this but, "what a beauty" will be discontinued :`(
          This story was my first story to ever be recognised by such beautiful and kind hearted souls. I appreciate the support you all have been giving me these past few years. I love all of you! Thank you all so much!


Done gave me a heart attack  just started it and it’s so good


Miss their something wrong bc it saying that there's 21 parts but I can't read it and I been  frustrated for rwo days and I love this book I don't want to miss anything and i love you and your book keep doing great 


@JameliaFair  I love you too! Don't worry, the error will be fix today. I just had a internet problem!