
hey guys gals and nonbinary pals
          	so in my book "art n other stuff" i made a post about a year ago about how followers got disabled, and now its happening again. im not sure why this is happening, and apparently its happening to everyone else as well. if ya find anything out, lmk


@iitsrozuuu When followers got disabled, what was the result? (I saw a sign flash that while I was reading but I haven't noticed any actual changes...)


hey guys gals and nonbinary pals
          so in my book "art n other stuff" i made a post about a year ago about how followers got disabled, and now its happening again. im not sure why this is happening, and apparently its happening to everyone else as well. if ya find anything out, lmk


@iitsrozuuu When followers got disabled, what was the result? (I saw a sign flash that while I was reading but I haven't noticed any actual changes...)


dude. but like, billie's new album though??? omg. i'm in love with it. listen before i go, i love you, and goodbye had me crying im not gonna lie. i got an animatic series idea as i was listening to them, and its gonna be a really angsty bakudeku thing. so yeah, fun
          also bad guy is the biggest bop oh. my. god. i LOOOOOOOVE it. idk why i love the songs where shes like, kinda talking about hurting people. like bellyache and now bad guy are my two favorites lol


this message may be offensive
k this is probably just me, but does anyone else want deku to get kidnapped to see how katsuki would react? like deku was bawlin and shit as usual, but i cant really figure out how katsuki would react. he'd either be really upset or not really care but i cant figure out which one ahhh


so, i just started watching yuri!!! on ice (im on the 2nd episode) and can i just say victor is a whole ass snacc????
          like if he could run me over with his ice skates that'd be great 


Season 2 is taking too long 


@iitsrozuuu just waiting for season 2...paTieNtLy


@MarChan122 fr? aW HELL YEAH