
Recently a follower of mine, @CaptainBlueIris, messaged me to tell me that I had partly inspired them to write their own book about our favourite pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow. It would mean a lot of you could check it out, I just read a little bit of it and I really think people are going to like it! It's called 'Pirates Of The Caribbean 6: Hoist The Colours'. Thanks xx


hey! i hope your day has been great so far. i just wanted to say that i really want to read your peter parker book, "Hideaway," but i've noticed that it isn't complete and i don't want to be left on a HUGE cliffhanger so i was wondering if you will ever plan on finishing it or if it's discontinued?


Are you ever gonna get around to finishing Pearl's Beginning? I binged your Captain Jack Sparrow books and absolutely feel in love! Your writing is fantastic, and I have high Hope's for the upcoming Hidden Pearl!! 


@Asdfidbd I agree with @Asdfidbd this is a really good book are you going to update??