
Hello ARMY, how are you?
          I hope that you are doing well and that you and everyone else are safe and well. I am sorry for any losses you have and/or will experience in your life time. I know a lot of people will tear you down and make you feel worthless and pathetic, bit you are stronger. Remember, BTS and life is trying to teach us to love ourselves. Even in the harshest ways. 
          Just stay strong and don't let people get the best of you, because they are probably just jealous. And I know we hear that a lot and think it's not true. But if you leave them alone and don't react, (unless physical abused) they won't keep letting you play the victim. Remember you are worth a lot more then every is letting on.
          Stay safe and well. I wish you and everyone you know the best in life. Have a good life. Love from Canadian BTS ARMY.