
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been active here, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm back and ready to dive into writing again. I've been through some tough times with my mental health, exams, and personal issues, but I've decided to overcome all of that and pursue my passion for writing.
          	I'm excited to share that I've written a fantasy book! It revolves around a girl named Ivelle, who turns 14 and discovers something incredible on her birthday. Brace yourselves, because she doesn't just have one, two, or three brothers... she actually has seven! Can you believe it? And not only that, but they're all rich, intimidating, dominating, and super overprotective of Ivelle.
          	If you're curious to see how Ivelle's life takes a dramatic turn when she goes to live with her brothers, then make sure to  click the link of my book. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with adventure, family dynamics, and maybe even a little bit of romance. I hope you all enjoy the journey with Ivelle as much as I enjoy writing it!
          	Feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts. I'm really looking forward to connecting with all of you again. Thanks for your support! ✨


Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been active here, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm back and ready to dive into writing again. I've been through some tough times with my mental health, exams, and personal issues, but I've decided to overcome all of that and pursue my passion for writing.
          I'm excited to share that I've written a fantasy book! It revolves around a girl named Ivelle, who turns 14 and discovers something incredible on her birthday. Brace yourselves, because she doesn't just have one, two, or three brothers... she actually has seven! Can you believe it? And not only that, but they're all rich, intimidating, dominating, and super overprotective of Ivelle.
          If you're curious to see how Ivelle's life takes a dramatic turn when she goes to live with her brothers, then make sure to  click the link of my book. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with adventure, family dynamics, and maybe even a little bit of romance. I hope you all enjoy the journey with Ivelle as much as I enjoy writing it!
          Feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts. I'm really looking forward to connecting with all of you again. Thanks for your support! ✨


Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been active here, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm back and ready to dive into writing again. I've been through some tough times with my mental health, exams, and personal issues, but I've decided to overcome all of that and pursue my passion for writing.
          I'm excited to share that I've written a fantasy book! It revolves around a girl named Ivelle, who turns 14 and discovers something incredible on her birthday. Brace yourselves, because she doesn't just have one, two, or three brothers... she actually has seven! Can you believe it? And not only that, but they're all rich, intimidating, dominating, and super overprotective of Ivelle.
          If you're curious to see how Ivelle's life takes a dramatic turn when she goes to live with her brothers, then make sure to  click the link of my book. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with adventure, family dynamics, and maybe even a little bit of romance. I hope you all enjoy the journey with Ivelle as much as I enjoy writing it!
          Feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts. I'm really looking forward to connecting with all of you again. Thanks for your support! ✨


hey there, lovely human!
          i hope you're doing good. i hope your day is going well.
          Here's a reminder for you! *gives you a letter*
          I want you to remember how far you've come in life and how strong you've become. Be proud of yourself for what you're today. Be proud of yourself for making it through and never giving up. Your unwavering spirit and resilience are remarkable and a testament to your amazing character. I know life is challenging at times, but I want you to know that you're capable of overcoming every obstacle that comes your way. Your past experiences have made you stronger and equipped to handle tough situations. You're stronger than you think. Have faith in yourself and never underestimate your strengths and abilities. Know that, better days are coming. The phase of darkness will fade away as the sun would come up. Believe in yourself, keep your head high and keep pursuing your goals and dreams. A brighter and fantastic future ahead awaits for you. Love yourself the most, you beautiful soul! You got this! I'm proud of you.
          Take care of yourself! ♡
          lots of love and care ❤️


What is this left in bio?


@Staryyskies pm may bhejnaaa yaha open nhi ho rahi


Surely ilhuuuu