
omg u guys. guess what? I went to the r5 concert in Fresno today and Riker touched my hand! like seriously!


just to let you know you are beautiful don't let anybody tell anything else 


@ilissa why did we get hard, we came through a long way to get our rights and all and we still are fighting for our rights and to be treated like humans we are. Boys just don't want use to be higher than them. But is not always boys who do this other people  like families do maybe we might never know.


hey girrlyy!  thanks for following me 


@ilissa Lol, Because that's basically what we've been doing the last few days.  you see , there's phone tag, And what we were doing was comment tag. Lol


@Cooljaee You're welcome. I was like " are we gonna keep talking through the comment sections?"