
So, guys, I'm confused but overall I think someone reported my story and so it got taken down. I keep getting emails from the Wattpad Support Team telling me my story was "too explicit," and had to be taken down for violating community guidelines. I mean yes, it was very explicit, but good lord I marked it as mature and I put their ages in the story so overall I guess I'm just gonna have to rewrite all of it and hope it doesn't get taken down again. If anyone has suggestions and/or comments please reply here because anything is helpful. If it takes me a while to upload anything just know its because I have literally had the most horrible week, (and its only Tuesday,) and I am so sunburnt I cannot walk right now so um yeah hopefully I get the story up soon and I appreciate any support I can get right now.
          	Love, Evie/ilovebylerrr


@Loves4you In the first chapter I mentioned that when Will started liking Mike he was 13, not that they were 13 in that current chapter, and also made a point to say that it was meant to be set 3 years after that, but I could see how people could read it wrong, thanks for the help though and I appreciate the support :) I'm going to try and rewrite it and hopefully reword parts of the story that sounded confusing to some people lol


@ilovebylerrr I think it was because they were 13 in the first story? I only got to read one chapter before it got taken down. I think they have to be 16+ to have smut . So it's technically cp . I really like the story though!


So, guys, I'm confused but overall I think someone reported my story and so it got taken down. I keep getting emails from the Wattpad Support Team telling me my story was "too explicit," and had to be taken down for violating community guidelines. I mean yes, it was very explicit, but good lord I marked it as mature and I put their ages in the story so overall I guess I'm just gonna have to rewrite all of it and hope it doesn't get taken down again. If anyone has suggestions and/or comments please reply here because anything is helpful. If it takes me a while to upload anything just know its because I have literally had the most horrible week, (and its only Tuesday,) and I am so sunburnt I cannot walk right now so um yeah hopefully I get the story up soon and I appreciate any support I can get right now.
          Love, Evie/ilovebylerrr


@Loves4you In the first chapter I mentioned that when Will started liking Mike he was 13, not that they were 13 in that current chapter, and also made a point to say that it was meant to be set 3 years after that, but I could see how people could read it wrong, thanks for the help though and I appreciate the support :) I'm going to try and rewrite it and hopefully reword parts of the story that sounded confusing to some people lol


@ilovebylerrr I think it was because they were 13 in the first story? I only got to read one chapter before it got taken down. I think they have to be 16+ to have smut . So it's technically cp . I really like the story though!


Hey everyone, I had posted something being related to my account being hacked earlier on and I just wanted to say something really quickly. Things are being sorted out and I am sorry to everyone who has been affected by this stupid situation. I am working my hardest to get the story back with Wattpad but if I am unable to I will just work to rewrite it. Thanks to the people who attempted to look out for me but I have this handled on my own. I am in my account and have changed the password just in case of someone hacking into my account. I am not sure if my story got deleted by someone, or if my story got reported. I am still unsure of what completely happened and would just appreciate it if everybody stayed back until I get it settled. Hopefully, the story will be back up soon and I wish everyone has a good night/day (depending on when you see this.) 
          Love, Evie/ilovebylerrr


@ilovebylerrr _.evie._123 is my insta 


@ilovebylerrr what's ur insta I can ss everything 4 u!!


@blyersx i have snapchat if that's good, i have instagram too, whichever one is better for u just let me know, thank you so much 


Hey guys! It feels so good to finally be back on Wattpad after being off of this site for a while, but I would just like to give a little update on everything since it has been about 7/8 months. I was going through a slight rough patch regarding my mental health, (still sorta am,) but I am working to get better and get some content out for you guys! Of course, I will still most likely be updating the Byler Smut, but along the side of this I am working on my romance story, and also thinking about maybe writing an Eddie Munson x Reader Smut, (so let me know how you guys feel about that idea,) but other than that I would just also like to say that I appreciate and love all of you, the Byler Smut currently has about 32.8K reads and I cannot believe that the story got that far, I love every single one of you and I love the support. The funny comments on my chapters are the best, and I love them too, they honestly make me laugh so hard and for the record, I think they are one of the main things keeping me on Wattpad right now. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day/night, and I will have some content out soon for yall ❤


Also, I'm currently writing another story (romance story ;)) called "Loving Him In A Hateful Way" Sooooo yeah that project will take a WHILE


@ilovebylerrr these seem all like GREAT book ideas


@ilovebylerrr Hurrryyyyyyyy I NEED YOUR GREATNESS


          Hello everyone! If you see this, I would just like to let everyone know that Chapter 8  of The Byler Smut, will be out on November 20th!! It has been such a pleasure to write this story and get so many reads on it. I really appreciate it. My break was very much needed and I am very grateful to have fans who are so understanding and respectful towards my mental health. Anyway, keep an eye out for Chapter 8!!!


Besties, I am currently writing chapter 8 or the Byler Smut. Didn't expect to come back to it but here we are. (I'm also currently writing another story so if it takes awhile to come out, that's why.) Have a nice night, and I hope you all had a good Halloween<3


pls make more smut




@BylerForeverr bestie I want to and I should but like I have no motivation☝️

