
Hiii! It's been so long since I last posted anything and I also am not very happy about the fact that wattpad restricted the messaging facility, I really loved talking to you all, but anyways 
          	As you might have all guessed, I'm in a terrible writer's block and I could really use some plot ideas right now, if you have any you would like to share, please feel free to do so <3


@MianMian125 the issues is that our messages are gone, so I don't really have any draft left of what we discussed 


Hiii! It's been so long since I last posted anything and I also am not very happy about the fact that wattpad restricted the messaging facility, I really loved talking to you all, but anyways 
          As you might have all guessed, I'm in a terrible writer's block and I could really use some plot ideas right now, if you have any you would like to share, please feel free to do so <3


@MianMian125 the issues is that our messages are gone, so I don't really have any draft left of what we discussed 


Hey! Just a quick note, I have my final term exams starting from tomorrow, (board exams, which is a very big deal as the Indian readers might know) so I will not be checking my inbox, comments or anything whatsoever up until the 13th of March, if there is any request or anything you'd like to say, feel free, i'll check it once I'm done with these <3


Bon Chance ❤️



Just finished watching "Bad Buddy" it took me a year to get myself to watch it, bit it surely was a worth it experience, I finished it in merely two days, binge watched pretty much! 
          And then I was wondering if I should write up something about Pat and Pran as well? I really adore them! Any thought?? 


@BTS_F7 I think I will surely write about it ❤️


@imaginationxfantasy yes please. I love PatPran and would love to read about them ❤️


@imaginationxfantasy yeah, if artkong is there. I will be happy ❤️