
Don't be afraid to dream big.  Don't be afraid to take chances.  Don't be afraid to be yourself.  You are unique, special, and wonderful, just the way you are.  Don't be afraid to take a risk, because sometimes the greatest rewards come from taking a chance.  Don't be afraid to fail, because failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.  Don't be afraid to be different, because your differences are what make you special.


Assalamu Alaikum.How are ya?
          Waiting for you to update.


@imiiiiirage awee will wait In Sha ALLAH.You too take care and do start writing soon.<3


@edinaIbrahim waliykumassalam wa rehmatullah, Alhamdulillah i'm good, hoping you're good as well...very sorry to keep you waiting for the update (life happens, hoping you'd understand) and sorrier to say i won't be able to update for quite some time more...but In Shaa Allah soon I'll be editing the previous chapters (too many plot holes and grammatical mistakes therein, now that I have read it again lol) and writing new ones...thanks for being there and waiting, take care, love x 


          Time isn't valued by 
          How much of it you have but how 
          You spend it.  So stop 
          Rushing through life .
          Slow down and 
          Do what will make you 
          A little bit better than 
          Have a great week ahead! 
          Keep me in your special prayers 
          Kind regards! 


          What you go through each day doesn't define your worth .
          Never let a bad day be the excuse 
          To stop trying. 
          Better days are coming &
          Remember you are worthy  and capable. 
          Have a good week ahead! 
          Keep me in your special prayers 
          Kind regards!