
im losing my mind because I was reading cute drarry oneshots but i forgot to add them to my library and now i cant find them anywhere


Hello Girls, Gays and Theys.
          I want to tell you something. 
          I’m coming out as a Demi-Girl and my pronouns are She/They.
          I’m still comfortable with being called “she” but I also feel comfortable being called “they.”
          I honestly just don’t care about pronouns I just don’t feel like a boy. 
          Only a few of my friends know and that’s basically it, I don’t feel that much pressure to coming out to more people because it’s not like I’m offended when someone calls me by female pronouns.
          Hope you guys can understand!
          Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


@YourGayestCousin thats literally exactly how i feel AND how i knew


Now sometimes I feel like I need a dick but rarely ✌️


@galaxy_spooder Ever since I figured out my sexuality, I had a huge gander crisis (still do ) when like I felt like a girl, but I didn’t.  and then while binging LGBTQ tiktoks on YouTube, the person that posted the completion had the tiktoker’s pronouns in the corner. I saw someone with the pronouns She/They and it just clicked. For like a week or two I identified as Non Binary before finding the specific gender which was Demi girl. I still identify partially as Non Binary, not only because they were on the same spectrum and it’s more well known so it’s much easier to find stuff online and flags and stuff, but because i am just as comfortable with the label “Non Binary” as I am with “Demi-Girl.” 
            Honestly you don’t have any pressure to label yourself, now or ever! Just be who you are comfortable being. You are your own person.
            After all….
            Gender is just a social construct :)