
If you died, I'd mourn. I'd mourn by hurting the person who hurt you. If they killed you I'd hurt them so much that they would suicide. You are Family to me. NOBODY HURTS MY FAMILY. As much as i am not a fighter up front, I'm a fighter when they're not looking, and I may seem like a chicken that way, but isn't that what "PrAnKiNg" is~? You're one of the few people who's the rhythm of my heartbeat. Every breath i breathe, every step i take, it's because of You, Rexxiphide <3


Hello! Wanted to follow you! Bc I’ve seen your book! And also I love her book! :D


@Azf0023 haha no worries, if you've seen any of my other books then you've noticed how much I've improved in recent years, I hope you still enjoy my content! Thank you so much for your loyal patronage.


@immentallyunstabl3 Oh OOF- sorry for the late response- this is my second account, but I really enjoyed your Creepypasta Bf scenario theme as well! :D


Thanks! I’m glad you find the book interesting, it means a lot that people either find comfort, comedy, or happiness in any of my books, thanks.