
guys um 257 notifs is crazy but um i scrapped the entire chapter n redoing it so you will never see the borefest that was v1 so im sorry but im definitely writing now ok!


Hi I'm loving the book The juniors and was just wondering if your continuing it. Sorry if this comes across needy or something but it is a really really good book x


@indroves I completely understand and I'm so happy that there is a chapter in the works. Can't wait for it and no matter how cringe it may or may not be the readers will still love it.


@Crispiesx09 nooo not at all! I love that you're reading it and enjoying it. thank you so much for the support AHH! yes, a chapter is currently in the works, i'm just lowkey scared its kind of cringe. im tryna work at putting it out!


Hi I was just gonna ask if you know the characters love interest in the villains of valley view book?


@xxsteelniccxx yes ofc, I’ll dm u rn


@-whveler perhaps she will, lol. and oh! North is supposed to be like 19. hopefully that's translating well. i know she hasn't been in it much lol but she's posing as their cousin. and if you want, you could dm me if that's easier than coming to the message board constantly


@xxsteelniccxx btw how old is north?