
Hello everyone who stumbled upon my profile and welcome! I'm industrial_cat and the first chapter of my first story titled "The Pine Path In NYC" comes out this Friday! Stay tuned and feel free to leave a vote, a follow or a comment - everything is equally appreciated!


Thanks so much for the follow back! I love the way you made the therapist’s office feel so real in your first chapter. I’ll admit, I had to stop and sing All Too Well by Taylor Swift for a moment upon reaching your second chapter, but I’m excited to dive back in! 


Ooh!! I can’t wait! I am definitely a huge Swiftie as well. I cannot wait for her Red version in November. Red and the darker sides of love has always been my jam. Such a Pisces haha


@SolomonRobert Hi! Thank YOU so much for the follow and for checking my story out! And yeah, it's pretty difficult NOT TO sing All Too Well when it's included somewhere, but I can assure you that you can probably expect many more Taylor songs attached to chapters, it's kind of my schtick hahahah


Hello everyone who stumbled upon my profile and welcome! I'm industrial_cat and the first chapter of my first story titled "The Pine Path In NYC" comes out this Friday! Stay tuned and feel free to leave a vote, a follow or a comment - everything is equally appreciated!