
Just wanted to let everyone telling us to update know: we're sort of on a break because Kat is doing tests or something like that and is unable to help write the chapters  -Lee


Okay so! Our Bex Taylor-Klaus fanfic will be moved to Zaelee's account since Kat decided to be awesome (not that she isn't already awesome) and let me write it on my own account! My account is @nerdy_niffler so go look at that if you want to continue reading Closer!


Please can you update, " Raven," I really love your work. Please message me back with your response! 


@element2019  Hi! Thank you! We try our best to write chapter for all of our books, well, most of them anyway haha. Raven is one of them. It will be updated as soon as possible I think.        ~ Zaelee
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