
⠀ ⠀⠀now this man wasn't a religious man but he did however believe that there were high beings then themselves out there, hiding away from them.   he would stand there while his grey eyes gazed at the sight of the church that he never once entered after his first attempt, it's not that he didn't want to but when he did try the first time to enter the church, something felt off putting. it felt like something heavy was pushing him away from entering and there were multiple eyes staring at him, so he never once tried after feeling that rather uncomfortable feeling.  instead he would watch from afar with curious eyes as he always wondered what was it like inside and how did the people look when they prayed.  while in thought, standing there with nothing but with his arms in his pocket and the wind slowly picking up which only meant it was going to start raining soon. he would turn on his heel in a swift motion but before he knew it, he found himself being bumped into and it left him taking a step back while rubbing his forehead in agony.  the man was about to annoyedly tell the person to look where they were going but he was caught off at the sight of seeing that they were on the floor and without a second thought he quickly reach his hand out to him,  "i'm so sorry, are you alright?"   his voice sounding concern as his grey eyes stared at them with a now much calm expression.
          /      /         sorry for the delayed drop & if it doesn't make any sense!